S.B. 2
Martin O'Malley, Governor
Annotated Code of Maryland
(2001 Replacement Volume and 2006 Supplement)
WHEREAS, The State personnel system has been in existence since 1920 and,
between 1920 and 1995, had been operating with minor changes but was considered to
be rigid, inflexible, centralized, and overly bureaucratic; and
WHEREAS, In 1995, the Task Force to Reform the State Personnel
Management System was assigned the task of reforming the State personnel system
and reported its findings and recommendations to the Governor in January 1996; and
WHEREAS, The State enacted the "State Personnel Management Reform Act of
1996" to establish a decentralized personnel management system in which State
departments and agencies were given significant responsibility over the management
of their workforce; and
WHEREAS, Personnel reform eliminated the classified and unclassified
services and established the skilled, professional, management, and executive services;
WHEREAS, The unclassified service consisted mostly of "at-will" employees,
and after 1996, most of these at-will employees were placed in the management or
executive services or were identified as "special appointments" in the State Personnel
Management System; and
WHEREAS, The intent of the General Assembly with the enactment of the 1996
personnel reform law was not to create a higher number of at-will employees; and
WHEREAS, The General Assembly recognizes that an effective State personnel
system is essential for effective provision of State services and that most State
employees should not be concerned over job security because of political changes or
inappropriate management practices; and
WHEREAS, The General Assembly established the Special Committee on State
Employee Rights and Protections in August 2005 to examine whether Maryland law
provides sufficient protections for State employees, particularly at-will employees,
against involuntary separations for illegal and unconstitutional reasons; and
WHEREAS, The Special Committee on State Employee Rights and Protections
completed its work in October 2006 with several recommendations to alter the laws
governing at-will State employment, now, therefore,
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