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Session Laws, 2007
Volume 803, Page 4105   View pdf image
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S.B. 2
Martin O'Malley, Governor
May 17, 2007 The Honorable Thomas V. Mike Miller, Jr.
President of the Senate
State House
Annapolis, MD 21401 Dear Mr. President: In accordance with Article II, Section 17 of the Maryland Constitution, today I have
vetoed Senate Bill 2 - State Employees Rights and Protections Act of 2007. This bill requires the Secretary of Budget and Management to designate specified
positions in State government as special appointment positions. It clarifies that at-
will State employees cannot be terminated for any reason that is illegal or
unconstitutional. Under the bill, all executive branch employees must be notified of
their position classification and associated rights every six months. Finally, the bill
requires the Department of Legislative Services to study at-will employment and
make recommendations for legislation and administrative changes to the State's
personnel systems. House Bill 162, which was passed by the General Assembly and signed by me,
accomplishes the same purpose. Therefore, it is not necessary for me to sign Senate
Bill 2. Sincerely, Martin O'Malley
Governor Senate Bill 2 AN ACT concerning State Employees' Rights and Protections Act of 2007 FOR the purpose of requiring the Secretary of Budget and Management to designate
certain positions in State government as special appointment positions based on
certain criteria; requiring the Secretary to provide certain information on
special appointments; providing that certain personnel actions regarding
certain special appointments in State government be made under certain
circumstances; providing a certain exception; providing that certain special
appointment positions may be filled with regard to certain criteria: extending
current provisions to require special appointees in the skilled, professional, and
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Session Laws, 2007
Volume 803, Page 4105   View pdf image
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