2007 Laws of Maryland
Ch. 390
licensee under the provisions of this article is not unlawful under any of the following
[(3) When the alcoholic beverages have been brought upon the
premises of a racetrack licensed under the provisions of the Maryland Horse Racing
Act, and the track is licensed for the sale of alcoholic beverages under this article.
However, it is lawful if the alcoholic beverages have been furnished by the licensee.]
(n) (1) This subsection applies only in Harford County.
(2) In addition to any inspector who is serving prior to July 1, 1979,
the Board and general manager may appoint additional inspectors as necessary to
provide appropriate control over newly created Class A off-sale licensees. [Each
inspector shall be directly responsible on a day to day basis to the general manager.]
(b) (2) The aggregate sum advanced to or borrowed by the liquor control
board may not exceed the following amounts:
[(i) Harford County — $75,000]
[(ii)] (I) Somerset County — $50,000
[(iii)] (II) Wicomico County — $500,000
[(iv)] (III) Worcester County — $5,000,000.
(c) (1) The interest rate limitation provided in paragraph (2) of this
subsection does not apply in [the following jurisdictions:
(i) Harford County;
(ii) Somerset County; and
SECTION 2. AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED, That this Act shall take effect
July 1, 2007.
Approved by the Governor, May 8, 2007.
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