Martin O'Malley, Governor
Ch. 390
4. The impact on the general health, safety, and welfare
of the community, including issues relating to crime, traffic conditions, parking, or
convenience; and
5. Any other necessary factors as determined by the
[(iii)] (II) The application shall be disapproved and the license
for which application is made shall be refused if the Board of License Commissioners
for the City or any county determines that:
1. The granting of the license is not necessary for the
accommodation of the public;
2. The applicant is not a fit person to receive the license
for which application is made;
3. The applicant has made a material false statement in
his application;
4. The applicant has practiced fraud in connection with
the application;
5. The operation of the business, if the license is
granted, will unduly disturb the peace of the residents of the neighborhood in which
the place of business is to be located; or
6. There are other reasons, in the discretion of the
board, why the license should not be issued.
[(iv)] (III) Except as otherwise provided in this section, if no
such findings are made by the board, then the application shall be approved and the
license issuing authority shall issue the license for which application is made upon
payment of the fee required to the local collecting agent.
(b) [(2) A Class B-4 (seafood restaurant) licensee may offer to sell beer and
(i) On Mondays through Saturdays from 5:30 p.m. to 11:00
(ii) On Sundays from 12 noon to 11:00 p.m.]
p.m.; and
(d) Notwithstanding the provisions of § 12-107 or of any other contrary
provisions of this article, the possession of alcoholic beverages upon the premises of a
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