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Session Laws, 2007
Volume 803, Page 2387   View pdf image
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Martin O'Malley, Governor
Ch. 390
F. Allows the sale of beer, wine, and liquor only from the
hours of 11:30 a.m. to 12:00 a.m.] [3.] 2. "Country club" means a club or organization that: A. May be operated for profit or not for profit; B. Has 75 or more bona fide members each of whom pays
not less than $50 per year; and C. Maintains at the time of the application for the
license and continues to maintain a regular or championship golf course of 9 holes or
more, or, instead of the golf course, a swimming pool at least 20 by 40 feet in size, and
at least 6 tennis courts. [4. "Racquet club" means a club or organization: A. That may be operated for profit or not for profit; B. That has 75 or more bona fide members each of whom
pays dues of not less than $50 per year; C. That has at the time of application for the license and
continues to maintain a minimum of 6 playing courts and has facilities for preparing
food; and D. The premises of which is to be licensed is not located
within 300 feet of any existing establishment licensed to sell alcoholic beverages for
on-sale or off-sale consumption.] [5.] 3. "Topiary garden" means an organization that: A. Operates a public museum and garden for its
membership and the general public as guests of the membership; B. Is open to the general public for at least 6 days a week
for at least 6 hours a day during 5 months each year; and C. Has food preparation facilities on the topiary garden
premises for the convenience of visiting guests. [6.] 4. "Yacht or boat club" means a club or organization that: A. May be operated for profit or not for profit; and
B. Owns real property in Harford County; and
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Session Laws, 2007
Volume 803, Page 2387   View pdf image
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