2007 Laws of Maryland
Ch. 390
(iv) The exclusion of Harford County in § 1-102(a)(22)(iii) of this
article does not apply to this Class B-4 (seafood restaurant) license; a licensee shall
comply with the 50% average gross monthly receipts of food commodities mandated in
§ l-102(a)(22)(iii) of this article.
(y) A licensee may not have facilities outside of the building in
which the restaurant is located, such as an outdoor cafe, a patio, or a beer garden.
(vi) A licensee may not permit any gambling, keno, gaming,
pinball, video machines, video poker, or similar games or devices on the premises. A
licensee may not operate a pool hall or have pool tables on the premises. Further, a
licensee may not have a bar on the premises.
(vii) The license may not be transferred except after a hearing
and upon the approval of the Liquor Board.
(viii) The hcensee may not have any signs on the exterior of the
building that advertise any alcoholic beverages.]
(n) (1) This subsection applies only in Harford County.
(6) (i) In this paragraph the following words have the meanings
1. "Miscellaneous organization or club" means a country
club, [racquet club, indoor soccer box lacrosse club,] a yacht or boat club, or topiary
[2. "Box lacrosse and indoor soccer club" means a club or
organization that:
A. May be operated for profit or not for profit;
B. Has at the time of application for the license and
continues to maintain facilities for playing box lacrosse and indoor soccer;
C. Has 75 or more bona fide members each of whom pays
dues of not less than $50 per year;
D. Has a facility for preparing food;
E. Is not located within 300 feet of an existing
establishment that is licensed to sell alcoholic beverages for on-sale or off-sale
consumption; and
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