ROBERT L. EHRLICH, JR., Governor Ch. 213
SECTION 3. AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED, That this Act shall take
effect October 1, 2004.
Approved April 27, 2004.
(House Bill 971)
AN ACT concerning
Maryland Commission on Correctional Standards - Sanctions
FOR the purpose of requiring the Maryland Commission on Correctional Standards to
send a letter of reprimand compliance plan if the Commission determines that a
correctional facility is in violation of certain minimum mandatory standards;
specifying the contents of the letter plan; requiring the Commission to assess a
monetary fine against a correctional facility under certain circumstances;
requiring the Commission to consider certain factors when determining the
amount of the fine; providing that the amount of the fine email increase for each
week, up to a certain number of weeks, if a correctional facility fails to meet the
minimum mandatory standards reinspect a correctional facility and send a
letter of reprimand if the Commission determines that the correctional facility is
in violation of the minimum mandatory standards; specifying the contents of the
letter of reprimand; requiring the Commission to conduct a full standards and
performance audit of a correctional facility under certain circumstances;
requiring the Commission to examine certain issues when conducting the audit;
requiring that a correctional facility reimburse the Commission for certain
expenses incurred during an audit; requiring the Commission to send a certain
letter and conduct an unannounced inspection following the completion of an
audit; requiring the Commission to seek a court order against a correctional
facility or close all or part of a correctional facility under certain circumstances;
and generally relating to the sanctions that the Maryland Commission on
Correctional Standards can impose on a correctional facility.
BY repealing and reenacting, with amendments,
Article - Correctional Services
Section 8-114
Annotated Code of Maryland
(1999 Volume and 2003 Supplement)
MARYLAND, That the Laws of Maryland read as follows:
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