Bill No. 03-12
AN ACT to repeal and reenact with amendments Subsection J of Section 256-13,
Water and Sewer Plan, of Article I, General Provisions, of Chapter 256, Water
and Sewers, of the Harford County Code, as amended, to provide for the
adoption of the Spring 2003 Master Water and Sewer Plan and to submit said
Plan to the Maryland Department of the Environment for its approval and
implementation pursuant to Title 9 of the Environment Article of the Maryland
Annotated Code.
Bill No. 03-13
AN ACT to add new Subsection A(9), the March 2003 Joppa/Joppatowne Community
Plan, to Section 169-1, Adoption; legal status, of Chapter 169, Master Plan, of
the Harford County Code, as amended; to provide for the adoption of the March
2003 Joppa/Joppatowne Community Plan as part of the Master Plan; and to
further provide that a copy of said March 2003 Joppa/Joppatowne Community
Plan, along with all appendices, is attached to this Act and made a part hereof as
though it were fully stated herein.
Bill No. 03-14
AN ACT to repeal and reenact, with amendments, Article XXVIID, Harford County
Cultural Arts Board, of Part 3, Authoritative Boards and Commissions, of
Chapter 9, Boards, Commission, Councils and Agencies, of the Harford County
Code, as amended; to establish that a certain member be a nonvoting member; to
establish the voting rights of the Board's Chair; and generally relating to the
Harford County Cultural Arts Board.
Bill No. 03-15
AN ACT to repeal and reenact, with amendments, Section 105-3, Adoption of
standards, of Article I, General Provisions; to repeal and reenact, with
amendments, Subsection E of Section 105-19, Applicability of Article, of Article
III, Licenses; all of Chapter 105, Electricity, of the Harford County Code, as
amended; to provide that Harford County shall adopt as its standard for
electrical installation regulations the National Electrical Code (2002) with
certain amendments thereto; to further provide penalties for the violation of the
electrical installation standards; and generally relating to electrical
installations in Harford County, Maryland.
Bill No. 03-17 (As Amended)
AN EMERGENCY ACT to repeal the Harford County Pay Plan and Classification
Plan and Salary Grade Schedule, Harford County Ordinance No. 02-14, and to
enact a new Classification Plan and Salary Grade Schedule and Pay Plan to
stand in lieu of the Ordinances repealed; to provide pay plans for County
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