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Session Laws, 2004
Volume 801, Page 249   View pdf image
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ROBERT L. EHRLICH, JR., Governor                              Ch. 40

Article - Real Property


(a) (1) [Except as provided in paragraph (2) of this subsection, a deed or
other instrument which effects a change of ownership on the assessment books under
the Tax - Property Article may not be recorded until the property granted is
transferred on the assessment books or records of the county where the property is
located to the grantee or assignee named in the deed or other instrument. When
submitting the deed or other instrument for transfer on the assessment books, the
person offering the deed or other instrument, on request, shall mail or deliver to the
person having charge of the assessment books, a statement of any building and
improvement on the property granted. When the property is transferred on the
assessment books, the person recording the transfer shall evidence the fact of transfer
on the deed or other instrument. This endorsement is sufficient to authorize the
recording of the deed or other instrument by the clerk of the appropriate court.

(2) (i) The provisions of this paragraph apply only in the following

1.       Baltimore County;

2.       Carroll County;

3.       Cecil County;

4.       Charles County;

5.       Dorchester County;

6.       Harford County;

7.       Howard County;

8.       Montgomery County;

9.       St. Mary's County;

10.     Washington County; and

11.     Worcester County.

(ii)] The Clerk of the Circuit Court may record an instrument that
effects a change of ownership if the instrument is:

[1.] (I) Endorsed with the certificate of the collector of taxes
of the county in which the property is assessed, required under subsection (b) of this
section; and

[2.] (II) Accompanied by:

[A.] 1. A complete intake sheet; and

[B.] 2. A copy of the instrument, and any survey, for
submission to the Department of Assessments and Taxation.

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Session Laws, 2004
Volume 801, Page 249   View pdf image
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