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Session Laws, 2004
Volume 801, Page 248   View pdf image
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Ch. 40


[(7)] (6) Encourage the location of new international industrial or
commercial enterprises in the State, in coordination with local governments and other
entities; and

[(8)] (7) Engage in any other activity reasonably necessary to achieve
the purposes of this section.

(c) The Office has authority to contract or make grants consistent with the
purposes of this section. All contracts and grants shall be subject to the approval of
the Secretary or the Secretary's designee. Procurements for services or supplies to be
performed or delivered outside the State shall be consistent with, but not subject to,
the purposes or requirements of the State Finance and Procurement Article.

SECTION 2. AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED, That this Act shall take
effect October 1, 2004.

Approved April 13, 2004.

(House Bill 180)

AN ACT concerning

Real Property - Expedited Recordation of Deeds and Instruments of Writing

FOR the purpose of repealing the a certain prohibition requirement against recording
certain instruments transferring ownership of real property in certain counties,
under certain circumstances, until the property granted is transferred on the
assessment rolls of the county where the property is located under certain
circumstances; requiring a clerk of the circuit court to refuse to record certain
instruments of writing under certain circumstances;
authorizing the clerks of
the circuit courts, the Administrative Office of the Courts, the State Department
of Assessments and Taxation, and the local collectors of tax to formulate certain
procedures regarding the recordation of instruments; providing for a delayed
effective date; and generally relating to the process of recording deeds and other
instruments of writing in certain counties.

BY repealing and reenacting, with amendments,
Article - Real Property
Section 3-104(a) and (g)
Annotated Code of Maryland
(2003 Replacement Volume and 2003 Supplement)

MARYLAND, That the Laws of Maryland read as follows:

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Session Laws, 2004
Volume 801, Page 248   View pdf image
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