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Session Laws, 2004
Volume 801, Page 1957   View pdf image
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Baltimore Biotechnology Park which addresses the following

(1)    Comprehensive financing plan detailing the timeline of the
expected build out of the complete project as well as the
funding required each year to meet the planned capital
expenditures and sources for that funding.

(2)    The property acquisition plan, including the manner in
which the property will be acquired, the amount of
property that will need to be acquired, the timetable for
property acquisition, and the provision for dealing with
families and individuals displaced.

Further provided that the plan shall be submitted to the budget
committees by July 1, 2004, and the committees shall have 45
days to review and comment on the Baltimore City East
Baltimore Biotechnology Park report (Baltimore City)...............

(F)     Kennedy Krieger Institute. Provide a grant to the Board of
Directors of the Kennedy Krieger Institute to assist in the
renovation of a facility in Baltimore City for use as a National
Center for Advanced Research in Developmental Disabilities,
subject to the requirement that the grantee provide an equal
and matching fund for this purpose (Baltimore City).................

(G)    Maryland Independent College and University Association -
Columbia Union College. Provide a grant equal to the lesser of
(i) $2,000,000 $2,500,000 $2,000,000 $2,250,000 or (ii) the
amount of the matching fund provided, to the Board of Trustees
of Columbia Union College to assist in the design and
construction of a new library, subject to the requirement that
the grantee provide an equal and matching fund for this
purpose. Notwithstanding Section 1(5) of this Act, the matching
fund may consist of funds expended prior to the effective date of
this Act (Montgomery County)......................................................

(H) Maryland Independent College and University Association -
Johns Hopkins University. Provide a grant equal to the lesser
of (i) $2,000,000 or (ii) the amount of the matching fund
provided, to the Board of Trustees of the Johns Hopkins
University to assist in the design and construction of a new
library storage facility in Laurel, subject to the requirement
that the grantee provide an equal and matching fund for this
purpose. Notwithstanding Section 1(5) of this Act, the fund may
consist of matching funds expended prior to the effective date of
this Act (Howard County)..............................................................

- 1957 -








Ch. 432


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Session Laws, 2004
Volume 801, Page 1957   View pdf image
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