Ch. 432
funds to equip the new Easton Barrack and
Garage/Communications Building (Talbot County).....................
(A) B&O Railroad Museum. Provide a grant to the Board of
Directors of the B&O Railroad Museum to assist in the design,
construction, and equipping of the historic roundhouse
restoration and of a new facility to rehabilitate aged and
damaged rolling stock, subject to the requirement that the
grantee provide an equal and matching fund for this purpose.
Notwithstanding Section 1(5) of this Act, the matching fund
may include funds expended prior to the effective date of this
Act (Baltimore City)........................................................................
(B) Baltimore City West Side Revitalization. Provide a grant to the
Mayor and City Council of the City of Baltimore for various
revitalization projects on Baltimore's west side, subject to the
requirement that the grantee provide an equal and matching
fund for this purpose (Baltimore City)..........................................
(C) Baltimore Zoo — Facilities Renewal. Provide a grant to the
Maryland Zoological Society to assist in the design and
construction of various facility renewal projects (Baltimore
(D) Catholic Charities. Provide a grant to the Board of Directors of
Catholic Charities to assist in the design and construction of a
new building to house Our Daily Bread, Christopher Place, and
St. Jude's Employment Center, and in the design and
renovation of an existing building to house My Sister's Place,
subject to the requirement that the grantee provide an equal
and matching fund for this purpose, provided that it is the intent
of the General Assembly that Catholic Charities receive a grant
for this project totaling $7,000,000 over fiscal years 2005, 2006,
and 2007. The grant shall be made as follows: $1,600,009
$2,000,000 in fiscal 2005, $4,500,000 $4,000,000 in fiscal 2006,
and $1,000,000 in fiscal 2007 (Baltimore City)............................
(E) East Baltimore Biotechnology Park. Provide a grant to the
Mayor and City Council of the City of Baltimore for the East
Baltimore Biotechnology Park Project, subject to the
requirement that the grantee provide an equal and matching
fund, provided that no State funds shall be expended until the
City of Baltimore has provided the budget committees with a
comprehensive plan for the future development of the East
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