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Session Laws, 2004
Volume 801, Page 1687   View pdf image
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by the county. Based on the content of the
environmental impact assessment, the
Department of Health and Mental
Hygiene and Anne Arundel County shall
develop a capital appropriation request
for the mitigation of any environmental
hazards in order to facilitate the transfer
of the property.

The Department of Health and Mental
Hygiene shall also undertake an appraisal
of Crownsville Hospital Center in order to
determine the value of the property. The
purpose of the appraisal is to determine
the extent, if any, of any financial
consideration involved in the transfer
either at the time of the transfer or in the
future (for example, if the property was
subsequently resold).

Prior to any transfer agreement being sent
for consideration by the Board of Public
Works, the department shall submit the
agreement to the budget committees and
the Anne Arundel County House and
Senate delegations together with the
environmental impact assessment,
appraisal, any information on the future
use of the Crownsville Hospital Center,
and any request for capital funds. The
budget committees shall have 30 days to
review and comment on the agreement.

The Department of Health and Mental
Hygiene is also requested to follow
current State law regarding the archiving
of permanent records relating to
Crownsville Hospital Center. In particular
the department should provide the State
Archives with all historical photographs
and records relating to the administration
of the hospital. The department and the
State Archives should also work together
with any community efforts to document
burials at Crownsville.

It is also the intent of the General Assembly
that any land used as a cemetery be
maintained as such following any transfer

- 1687 -


Ch. 429


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Session Laws, 2004
Volume 801, Page 1687   View pdf image
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