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Session Laws, 2004
Volume 801, Page 167   View pdf image
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ROBERT L. EHRLICH, JR., Governor                              Ch. 25


(b)     The County Commissioners of Charles County [or] AND Washington
County, by ordinance, may prohibit the use of any controlled access highway in the
county's jurisdiction by any person to solicit money, donations of any kind,
employment, business, or a ride from the occupant of any vehicle on the controlled
access highway.


Error: Incorrect word usage in § 21-313(b) of the Transportation Article.

Occurred: Ch. 463, Acts of 2003.


(c)     In Charles County, Harford County, and Washington County, a person may
not stand in a roadway, median divider, or intersection to solicit money or donations of
any kind from the occupant of a vehicle.


Error; Incorrect word usage in § 21-507(c) of the Transportation Article.

Occurred: As a result of the merger of Chs. 219 and 463 of 2003.
Correction by the publisher of the Annotated Code in the 2003 Supplement
of the Transportation Article is validated by this Act.


(f) A guaranteed arrest bond certificate may not be accepted:

(2) To guarantee the appearance of any person in a court of this State, if
the offense charged is:

(i) Driving or attempting to drive while under the influence of
alcohol or while [driving under the influence of] IMPAIRED BY alcohol;

(ii) Driving or attempting to drive while impaired by any drug, any
combination of drugs, or any combination of one or more drugs and alcohol or while
impaired by any controlled dangerous substance; or

(iii) Any felony.


Error: Incorrect terminology in § 26-404(f)(2)(i) of the Transportation

Occurred: Failure to make a conforming change for consistency with
other changes in terminology in Chs. 4 and 5, Acts of 2001.

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Session Laws, 2004
Volume 801, Page 167   View pdf image
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