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Session Laws, 2004
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Ch. 25                                     2004 LAWS OF MARYLAND


Error: Omitted comma in § 13-937.1(a) of the Transportation Article.
Occurred: Ch. 230, Acts of 1987,

(b) The amount of the surety bond shall be:

(2)     For a licensee who is licensed to deal in the sale of new motor
vehicles, an amount based on the number of new motor vehicle sales during the
preceding license year, according to the following schedule:

(i) 1 to 500 vehicles .............................................................$50,000;

(ii) 501 to 1,000 vehicles......................................................$75,000;

(iii) 1,001 to 2,500 vehicles...........................................$100,000; and

(iv) Over 2,500 vehicles .........................................$300,000[.]; AND


Error: Incorrect punctuation and omitted conjunction in §
15-308(b)(2)(iv) of the Transportation Article.

Occurred: Ch. 121, Acts of 2001.


(i) Notwithstanding any other provision of this section, a test for drug or
controlled dangerous substance content under this section:

(3)     May only be requested as described under subsection (b) of this
section, required as described under subsection (c) of this section, or directed as
described under subsection (d) of this section:

(i) In the case of a police officer who is a trainee, or who is
participating directly or indirectly in a program of training described in paragraph (2)
of this subsection, if the police officer is a member of, and is designated as a trainee or
a participant by the head of:

9. The police force for a State university or college under the
direction and control of the [Board of Trustees of State Universities and Colleges]


Error: Obsolete terminology in § 16-205.1(i)(3)(i)9 of the Transportation

Occurred: As a result of Ch. 114, Acts of 1997.

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Session Laws, 2004
Volume 801, Page 166   View pdf image
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