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Session Laws, 2004
Volume 801, Page 1385   View pdf image
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ROBERT L. EHRLICH, JR., Governor                             Ch. 381

history records checks for hazardous materials endorsements.

BY repealing and reenacting, with amendments,
Article - Transportation
Section 16-815
Annotated Code of Maryland
(2002 Replacement Volume and 2003 Supplement)

MARYLAND, That the Laws of Maryland read as follows:

Article - Transportation


(a)     (1) A Class A commercial driver's license authorizes the licensee to drive
the following motor vehicles and combinations of motor vehicles:

(i) Any combinations of vehicles with a gross combination weight of
26,001 or more pounds if the GVW of the vehicles being towed is in excess of 10,000
pounds; and

(ii) Any vehicle or combination of vehicles that a Class B
commercial driver's license authorizes its holder to drive.

(2) An individual who is issued a Class A commercial driver's license
under this subsection may not drive or attempt to drive a motor vehicle on any
highway in this State unless a Class A commercial driver's license or an appropriately
endorsed Class A commercial driver's license authorizes the individual to drive a
vehicle of the class that the individual is driving or attempting to drive.

(b)     (1) A Class B commercial driver's license authorizes the licensee to drive
the following motor vehicles and combinations of motor vehicles:

(i) Any single vehicle with a gross vehicle weight (GVW) of 26,001
or more pounds;

(ii) Any such vehicle towing a vehicle not in excess of 10,000 pounds
GVW; and

(iii) Any vehicle that a Class C commercial driver's license
authorizes its holder to drive.

(2) An individual who is issued a Class B commercial driver's license
under this subsection may not drive or attempt to drive a motor vehicle on any
highway in this State unless a Class B commercial driver's license or an appropriately
endorsed Class B commercial driver's license authorizes the individual to drive a
vehicle of the class that the individual is driving or attempting to drive.

(c)      (1) A Class C commercial driver's license authorizes the licensee to drive
the following motor vehicles and combinations of motor vehicles:

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Session Laws, 2004
Volume 801, Page 1385   View pdf image
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