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Session Laws, 2004
Volume 801, Page 1384   View pdf image
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Ch. 381                                    2004 LAWS OF MARYLAND

(2) a retail service station that is altered, enlarged, or structurally
modified if the owner and retail service station dealer agree to the elimination of an
enclosed work area.


Each producer, refiner, or wholesaler of motor fuel who supplies motor fuel to
retail service station dealers:

(1) [after September 30, 2004 2009, shall extend all voluntary allowances
uniformly to all retail service station dealers supplied;

(2)] shall apply all equipment rentals uniformly to all retail service
station dealers supplied; and

[(3)] (2) during periods of shortage:

(i) shall apportion uniformly and equitably all gasoline and special
fuel to all retail service station dealers supplied; and

(ii) may not discriminate among retail service station dealers
supplied in their allotments.

SECTION 2. AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED, That this Act shall take
effect October 1, 2004.

Approved May 11, 2004.

(House Bill 855)

AN ACT concerning

Vehicle Laws - Commercial Driver's License - Hazardous Materials
Endorsement - Criminal History Records Checks

FOR the purpose of requiring the operator of a commercial motor vehicle placarded
for hazardous materials to obtain a criminal history records check before the
Motor Vehicle Administration may issue an endorsement of the operator's
license to drive the vehicle; prohibiting the Administration from issuing a
hazardous materials endorsement without a certain approval; specifying certain
procedures and fees to obtain criminal history records checks for operators
requesting certain endorsements; authorizing an operator's employer to pay
certain fees;
defining a certain term; authorizing the dissemination of certain
information to certain agencies; authorizing the Criminal Justice Information
System Central Repository to collect certain fees; authorizing the adoption of
certain regulations; providing that certain information obtained from the
Central Repository is confidential and may be used only for a certain purpose;
authorizing the subject of a criminal history records check to contest certain
information; and generally relating to commercial drivers' licenses and criminal

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Session Laws, 2004
Volume 801, Page 1384   View pdf image
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