(c) is not currently receiving a retirement allowance; and
(3) A retiree.
Item 3B
Former legislators regularly receiving a retirement allowance may participate in benefit
programs available to retired State employees, including health programs, deferred compensation
programs, and credit union services. Former legislators receiving a retirement allowance who have
at least eight (8) years' service shall qualify for a State health program subsidy equal to one-sixteenth
(1/16) of the full State subsidy for each year of service. Should additional benefit programs be
authorized for retired State employees, such benefits may be made available to retired legislators
with the approval of the presiding officers. Participation in these programs shall be in the same
manner as the participation of retired State employees.
FURTHER RESOLVED, That all desk orders, .journal entries, regulations, rules, or
resolutions, including the Resolutions of this Commission dated January 25,1971; January 24,1974;
January 19,1978; January 7,1982; December 17,1985; January 10,1990; January 20,1994; January
7, 1998; and any other provisions of law in any way inconsistent with the express or implied
language of this Resolution relating to compensation and allowances in any form for members of the
General Assembly of Maryland are hereby repealed.
DM WITNESS WHEREOF, We have hereunto subscribed our names on this eleventh day of
January 2002.
S. Nelson Weeks, CHAIRMAN
Phyllis B. Brotman, VICE-CHAIR
Marion H. Phelps