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Session Laws, 2002
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sections: ARTICLE I, titled "General Provisions," Section 125-1, titled "Purpose;
authority," Section 125-3, titled "Applicability," Section 125-7, titled "Definitions and
word usage," Section 125-8, titled "Lots of record; grandfather provisions;" ARTICLE
II, titled "Buffer Requirements," Section 125-9, titled "Prohibitions; exceptions,"
Section 125-10, titled "Expansion," Section 125-11, titled "Provisions for Buffer
exemption areas," added a new Section 125-11, titled "Special Buffer Areas," Section
125-12, titled, "Special provision for certain lots," deleted and added a new Section
125-12 titled "Buffer Alterations;" ARTICLE III, titled "Development Standards,"
Section 126-17, titled "General regulations and prohibitions," Section 126-18, titled
"Developments in Buffers," Section 126-19, titled "Intensely developed areas,"
Section 125-20, titled "Limited development areas and resource conservation areas,"
added a new Section 125-20.1, titled "Transfer of Development Rights;" ARTICLE IV,
titled "Site Plans," Section 125-24, titled "Contents;" ARTICLE V titled "Growth
Allocation; Classification Changes," Section 125-30, titled "Location criteria," Section
125-33, titled "Computation of growth allocation," Section 126-34, titled "Process;"
ARTICLE VII, titled "Amendments," Section 125-40, titled "Amendments to district
maps," Section 121-41, titled "Buffer exemption amendments," Section 125-42, titled
"Amendment procedures;" ARTICLE VIII, titled "Special Subdivision Provisions,"
Section 125-44, titled. "Submission requirements," Section 125-45, titled "Design
standards;" and ARTICLE DC, titled "Legal Provisions," Section 125-48, titled
"Violations and penalties."
Bill No. 2001-12 AN ACT to revise Chapter 160 of the Wicomico County Code, titled "Housing
standards" to establish minimum standards governing the condition, use, operation,
occupancy and maintenance of dwellings, structures, utilities, facilities, lands and
other physical conditions to make all buildings and structures and premises safe,
sanitary and fit for human habitation; and provide appropriate procedures for notice,
violations, abatement and appeals.
Bill No. 2001-13 AN ACT to amend Chapter 125 of the Wicomico County Code, titled "Critical
Area Resource Protection," Section 125-4, titled "Official maps," to designate the
Special Buffer Areas as required by Section 125-11 titled "Special Buffer Areas" by
the adoption of official maps delineating the approved special buffer areas.
Bill No. 2001-14 AN ACT to amend Chapter 225 of the Wicomico County Code, titled "Zoning,"
Article V, entitled "R-15 Residential District," Section 225-20, titled "Uses Permitted"
to expand the uses permitted by special exception in an R-15 District, to allow
nursery schools on a minimum site of two (2) acres.
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Session Laws, 2002
Volume 800, Page 5948   View pdf image
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