By amending
Montgomery County Code
Chapter 33, Personnel and Human Resources
Section 33-4
Chapter 87, Washington Suburban Transit District
Section 87-7
Bill No. 5-01
Chapter 2
Laws of Montgomery County, 2001
AN ACT to:
(1) change the name of the Division of Animal Control and Humane
Treatment to Animal Services Division;
(2) change the phrase "animal control shelter" to "animal shelter"; and
(3) repeal obsolete language and make conforming, clarifying, and stylistic
changes in County law regarding animal control.
By amending
Montgomery County Code
Chapter 2, Administration
Section 2-43 and Division 11C
Chapter 5, Animal Control
Sections 5-101, 5-102, 5-104, 5-203, 5-303, and 5-304
Chapter 31B, Noise Control
Sections 31B-2 and 31B-12
Emergency Bill No. 6-01
Chapter 3
Laws of Montgomery County, 2001
(1) review the Length of Service Award Program to increase the
length-of-service, disability, and death benefits; and
(2) generally amend County law regarding length of service awards and
benefits for fire and rescue department volunteers.
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