Subtitle 2 "Urban Renewal" of Title 13 of the Howard County Code is renumbered to
be Subtitle 11 of Title 13.
Subtitle 11 'Tenant Retrofit Loan and Grant Program" of Title 13 of the Howard
County Code is renumbered to be Subtitle 5 of Title 13 and is amended
Subtitle 6 "Lease Extensions - Conversions of Rental Housing to a Condominium
Regime" of Title 13 of the Howard County Code is renumbered to be Subtitle 12 of
Title 13
Subtitle 12 "Housing Initiative Loan Program" of Title 13 of the Howard County Code
is renumbered to be Subtitle 6 of Title 13 and is amended
Subtitle 10 "Howard County Housing Commission Articles of Organization" of Title 13
is renumbered to be Subtitle 13 of Title 13
Subtitle 13 "Displacement Assistance Program" of Title 13 is renumbered to be
Subtitle 10 of Title 13 and is amended]
Bill No. 60-2001
AN ACT reorganizing the Executive Branch of Howard County Government pursuant
to Section 403 of the Howard County Charter; transferring responsibility for
dispatch services to the Police Department; transferring responsibility for
records management to the Department of Technology and Communications
Services; providing for the application of this Act; and generally relating to the
organization of the Executive Branch of Howard County Government.
[Sections 6. 403(d), 17.200A(d), 27.101(c) of the Howard County Code - Amended]
Bill No. 61-2001
AN ACT providing for supplemental pay for County employees involuntarily called to
active military duty; and providing that the Act applies to certain persons in
certain ways.
[Section 1.310 of the Howard County Code - Added]
Emergency Bill No. 3-01
Chapter 1
Laws of Montgomery County, 2001
(1) adjust the salaries of members of certain boards and commissions; and
(2) generally amend the laws governing compensation of members of boards
and commissions.
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