Bill No. 36-2001
AN ACT amending the Howard County Housing Commission's Articles of
Organization to authorize the Commission to make mortgage subsidy payments
to or for the benefit of persons of eligible income.
[Section 13-1012(g-l) of the Howard County Code - Added]
Bill No. 37-2001
AN ACT establishing a displacement assistance program to be administered by the
Office of Housing and Community Development; establishing certain authority,
powers, and duties for the Office in connection with the program; establishing
certain requirements for participation in the program; and generally relating to
a displacement assistance program.
[Sections 13.1300 - 13.1309 of the Howard County Code - Added]
Bill No. 38-2001
AN ACT altering, the types of developments required to include moderate income
housing units; revising the requirements that apply to moderate income housing
units; granting certain authority to and imposing certain duties and
responsibilities on certain County agencies in regard to moderate income
housing; revising the criteria for receiving certificates of eligibility to purchase
or rent moderate income housing units; granting certain purchase options to
certain entities; providing for the application of a certain part of this Act; and
generally relating to moderate income housing.
[Sections 13.400 - 13.410 of the Howard County Code - Amended]
Bill No. 40-2001
AN ACT to repeal and re-enact with amendments Sections 5.102 "Members; terms;
compensation", 5.103 "Officers and meetings", and 5.104 "Termination", Subtitle
1, "Compensation Review Commission", to Title 5 "County Council", of the
Howard County Code, for the purpose of establishing terms, duties and meeting
procedures for a Compensation review Commission, pursuant to Article 25A,
Section 5(AA) of the Annotated Code of Maryland, Section 202(d) of the Howard
County Charter and Subtitle 1 of Title 5 of the Howard County Code.
Bill No. 41-2001
AN ACT amending the Sign Code of Howard County to allow certain street banners in
a historic district area to be displayed for a renewable one-year period.
(Section 3.502(c) of the Howard County Code - Amended]
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