BY repealing and reenacting, with amendments
Certain job classification and pay grade
Section II. Classification and Grades
BY adding
Certain new job classification and pay grade
Section II. Classification and Grades
BY repealing
Certain job classification and pay grade
Section II. Classification and Grades
All of the Baltimore County Classification and Compensation Plans
(Bill No. 27, 1976, as amended)
Bill No. 18-01
AN ACT concerning
Public Buildings
FOR the purpose of requiring the County to give notice to the public of the
construction of certain public buildings; defining terms; specifying the notice
requirement and the time for public notice; and generally relating to the
notification of certain public projects.
BY adding
Section 26-182
Title 26 - Planning, Zoning and Subdivision Control
Baltimore County Code 1988
Bill No. 19-01
AN ACT concerning
Bond Issue Authorization Ordinances
FOR the purpose of clarifying the process for the adoption of bond issue authorization
ordinances submitted to the County Council by the County Executive.
BY adding
Section 15-125
Title 15 - Finance
Article IV. General Obligation Bonds or Other Indebtedness
Baltimore County Code, 1988
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