PARRIS N. GLENDENING, Governor Ch. 291
(8) Mayor of the City of Baltimore.......................................................$150
(9) Comptroller of the City of Baltimore.............................................$150
(10) City Council of Baltimore:
(i) President..................................................................................$150
(ii) Member at large voted on by the voters of the entire City of
(iii) Member voted on by less than the entire City of Baltimore .$50
(11) Offices of the City of Baltimore, not specified in paragraphs (8), (9),
and (10), that are voted on by the voters of the entire City of Baltimore.............$150
(12) Any other public office......................................................................$25
(13) Member of a party central committee..............................................$10
(c) (1) A candidate may petition for a waiver of the filing fee in accordance
with this subsection.
(2) The filing fee required by this section shall be waived if the candidate
establishes inability to pay the fee.
(3) A candidate may demonstrate inability to pay the filing fee by
attaching to the certificate of candidacy when it is filed a sworn statement on the
form prescribed by the State Board of inability to pay which sets forth:
(i) The nature, extent, and liquidity of the candidate's assets; and
(ii) The candidate's disposable net income.
(4) At its discretion and in order to conduct any investigation of the
petition for waiver, the appropriate board may request that the candidate provide
additional information concerning the candidate's financial status.
(5) If the appropriate board determines that the candidate is unable to
pay the required filing fee, the certificate of candidacy shall be issued without
payment of the fee.
REVISOR'S NOTE: This section formerly was Art. 33, § 5-401.
No changes are made.
(a) Upon request, a candidate who pays a filing fee is entitled to a return of
the filing fee upon the filing of the certificate of withdrawal on the form prescribed by
the State Board if the candidate enters into active duty with the armed services of the
United States during the period between the last date allowed for the withdrawal of
candidacy and the printing of the ballots.
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