(2) A separate form, unless such a form has previously been filed,
[designating a treasurer or a political committee, as required] ESTABLISHING A
CAMPAIGN FINANCE ENTITY under Title 13 of this article;
(3) Evidence that the individual has filed:
(i) A financial disclosure statement with the State Ethics
Commission in accordance with the requirements of Title 15, Subtitle 6 of the State
Government Article; or
(ii) Any other financial disclosure report required by law; and
(4) Any additional information required by the State Board.
(e) The appropriate board shall accept the certificate of candidacy if it
determines that all requirements are satisfied.
REVISOR'S NOTE: This section formerly was Art. 33, § 5-304.
In subsection (d)(2) of this section, the reference to "establishing a
campaign finance entity" is substituted for the former reference to
"designating a treasurer or a political committee, as required" for clarity
and for conformity with the terminology used under Title 13 of this article.
The only other changes are in style.
Defined terms: "Campaign finance entity" § 1-101
"Election" § 1-101
"State Board" § 1-101
Subtitle 4. Filing Fees.
(a) (1) This section does not apply to a write-in candidate.
(2) Unless exempted under subsection (c) of this section, an individual
who files a certificate of candidacy shall pay a filing fee at the time the certificate of
candidacy is filed.
(b) The filing fee shall be as follows:
(1) President and Vice President of the United States....................No fee
(2) Governor or Lieutenant Governor.........................................$290 each
(3) Comptroller of the Treasury...................................................$290
(4) Attorney General.............................................................................$290
(5) United States Senator.....................................................................$290
(6) Representative in Congress............................................................$100
(7) Member of the General Assembly.........................................$50
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