PARRIS N. GLENDENING, Governor Ch. 291
A candidate for public or party office must be a registered voter at an address
that satisfies any residence requirement for the office that is imposed by law and, in
the case of a party office, by party rules.
REVISOR'S NOTE: This section formerly was Art. 33, § 5-202.
No changes are made.
(a) (1) This subsection does not apply to a candidate for:
(i) President or Vice President of the United States; or
(ii) Any federal office who seeks nomination by petition.
(2) Unless the individual is a registered voter affiliated with the political
party, an individual may not be a candidate for:
(i) An office of that political party; or
(ii) Except as provided in subsection (b) of this section, nomination
by that political party.
(b) The requirements for party affiliation specified under subsection (a) of this
section do not apply to a candidate for:
(1) A judicial office; or
(2) A county board of education.
REVISOR'S NOTE: This section formerly was Art. 33, § 5-203.
No changes are made.
(a) An individual simultaneously may not be a candidate for more than one
public office.
(b) An individual simultaneously may not be a candidate for more than one
office of a political party.
(c) Unless otherwise prohibited by rule of the applicable political party, an
individual simultaneously may be a candidate for a party office and a public office.
REVISOR'S NOTE: This section formerly was Art. 33, § 5-204.
No changes are made.
(a) In accordance with Article II of the Maryland Constitution, when a
candidate for nomination for Governor files A CERTIFICATE OF CANDIDACY for that
office, the candidate shall designate a candidate for Lieutenant Governor.
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