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Session Laws, 2002
Volume 800, Page 2394   View pdf image
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committees within 6 months after the date the State Board notified the political party
that it is considered a State political party. REVISOR'S NOTE: This section formerly was Art. 33, § 4-204. No changes are made. 4-205. (a) A political party in the State may not incorporate under the general laws of
the State providing for the formation of a corporation. (b) Unless it is the party State central committee, an organization may not
represent that it is the official organization or governing body of any political party. (c) A person who violates this section shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and
shall be subject to the penalties provided in Title 16 of this article. REVISOR'S NOTE: This section formerly was Art. 33, § 4-205. No changes are made. Title 5. Candidates.
Subtitle 1. General Provisions. 5-101. (a) This subtitle governs the process by which an individual becomes a
candidate for a public or party office in an election governed by this article. (b) An individual's name may not be placed on the ballot and submitted to the
voters at an election unless the individual complies with the requirements of this
title. REVISOR'S NOTE: This section formerly was Art. 33, § 5-101.
No changes are made. Subtitle 2. Qualifications. 5-201. An individual may become a candidate for a public or party office only if the
individual satisfies the qualifications for that office established by law and, in the
case of a party office, by party constitution or bylaws. REVISOR'S NOTE: This section formerly was Art. 33, § 5-201. No changes are made.
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Session Laws, 2002
Volume 800, Page 2394   View pdf image
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