(c) (1) Except as provided in paragraph (2) of this subsection, a petition for
the formation of a new political party, or any additional signatures to a petition, may
be filed at any time.
(2) A petition for the formation of a new political party, or any additional
signatures to a petition, may be filed:
(i) In the year of an election at which the President is elected
1. During the period of time that registration is closed before
and after a primary election in accordance with § 3-302(a) of this article; and
2. After the first Monday in August until registration
reopens after the general election in accordance with § 3-302{a) of this article;
(ii) In the year of an election at which the Governor is elected,
except after the first Monday in August until registration reopens after the general
election in accordance with § 3-302(a) of this article; or
(iii) When a special primary election and a special election are
proclaimed by the Governor in accordance with § 8-710 of this article except:
1. After the fifth Monday before the special primary election
through the tenth day following the special primary election; and
2. After the fifth Monday before the special election through
the fifteenth day following the special election.
(d) (1) (i) If the petition is certified under Title 6 of this article, the State
Board shall promptly notify the State chairman of the partisan organization.
(ii) Upon the filing of a constitution and bylaws with the State
Board by a partisan organization in accordance with subsection (e) of this section, the
State Board shall:
1. Review the constitution and bylaws to determine whether
the constitution and bylaws meet the requirements of subsection (e) of this section;
2. If the constitution and bylaws meet the requirements of
subsection (e) of this section, promptly notify the partisan organization designated in
the petition that it is considered a State political party for the purposes of this article.
(2) If the petition does not meet the requirements of this section and of
Title 6 of this article:
(i) The State Board shall declare the petition insufficient;
(ii) The partisan organization is not a State political party for the
purposes of this article; and
(iii) The State Board shall promptly notify the State chairman of the
partisan organization.
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