Ch. 291
(2) The appeal shall be taken within 5 days from the date of the decision
by the circuit court and the appeal shall be heard and decided by the Court of Special
Appeals as soon after the transmission of the record as practicable.
REVISOR'S NOTE: This section formerly was Art. 33, § 3-603.
No changes are made.
Title 4. Political Parties.
Subtitle 1. Formation of Political Parties.
Except as to a matter of compelling State interest, if any provision of this title
relating to party governance conflicts with the constitution and bylaws of a political
party, the constitution and bylaws shall apply to the extent of the conflict.
REVISOR'S NOTE: This section formerly was Art. 33, § 4-101.
No changes are made.
(a) Any group of registered voters may form a new political party by:
(1) Filing with the State Board on the prescribed form a petition meeting
the requirements of subsection (b) of this section and of Title 6 of this article; and
(2) Adopting and filing an interim constitution and bylaws in accordance
with subsection (e) of this section.
(b) (1) The petition shall state:
(i) The partisan organization's intent to organize a State political
(ii) The name of the partisan organization;
(iii) The name and signature of the State chairman of the partisan
organization; and
(iv) The names and addresses of 25 registered voters, including the
State chairman, who shall be designated as constituting the initial governing body of
the partisan organization.
(2) (i) Appended to the petition shall be papers bearing the signatures
of at least 10,000 registered voters who are eligible to vote in the State as of the [1st]
FIRST day of the month in which the petition is submitted.
(ii) Signatures on the petition must have been affixed to the
petition not more than 2 years before the filing date of the last qualifying signature.
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