Ch. 291
REVISOR'S NOTE: This section formerly was Art. 33, § 3-509.
In subsection (d) of this section, the defined term "State Board" is
substituted for the former reference to the "State Administrative Board of
Election Laws" for clarity.
No other changes are made.
Defined terms: "Local board" § 1-101
"Political party" § 1-101
"State Board" § 1-101
Subtitle 6. Resolution of Registration Disputes and Challenges.
(a) An individual whose voter registration information is not included in the
precinct register shall be allowed to vote by a provisional ballot upon receiving and
completing a temporary certificate of registration.
(b) A temporary certificate of registration shall be issued by an election judge
at the precinct if the individual:
(1) Provides proof of identity, as prescribed by the State Board by
regulation[.]; AND
(2) Completes an application for a temporary certificate of registration in
which the applicant affirms under penalty of perjury that the applicant:
(i) Has not voted in the current election in any other precinct in
the State or any other state;
(ii) Has, within the last 2 years, made a good faith effort to register
to vote or to update a voter registration record as demonstrated by the applicant
1. The voter registration agency where the applicant
registered to vote or updated a voter registration record;
2. The approximate date when the applicant registered or
updated a voter registration record; and
3. Any additional information required by the State Board;
(iii) Identifies any counties in Maryland where the applicant has
voted in past elections;
(iv) Is a current resident of the county in which the applicant seeks
to vote;
(v) Provides the applicant's current address and telephone number;
(vi) Meets the qualifications to register to vote; and
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