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Session Laws, 2002
Volume 800, Page 2381   View pdf image
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Ch. 291
(b) (1) Consistent with regulations adopted by the State Board, local boards
shall maintain for at least 2 years all records concerning programs to ensure the
accuracy and currency of the voter registry. (2) Except for records concerning a declination to register or the identity
of a voter registration agency through which a particular voter applies for
registration, the records described in paragraph (1) of this subsection are accessible
under Title 10, Subtitle 6, Part III of the State Government Article (Access to Public
Records). REVISOR'S NOTE: This section formerly was Art. 33, § 3-508.
No changes are made. 3-509. (a) Within 15 days after the commencement of the period under § 3-303(a) of
this title in which registered voters are not allowed to change party affiliation or
change to or from a decline, and at other times as directed by the State Board, each
local board shall submit to the State Board a report of registration setting forth the
following information, as shown on the registry of the respective local board as of the
date of the commencement of the period: (1) The name of each political party with which one or more registered
voters in their respective jurisdiction are then affiliated; and (2) The total number of registered voters affiliated with each such
political party. (b) Within 5 days after the receipt of all reports of registration from local
boards, the State Board shall determine and issue a statement of registration setting
forth, on the basis of the reports of registration received from the local boards, the
following: (1) The name of each political party with which one or more registered
voters in the State are affiliated; (2) The total number of registered voters affiliated with each such
political party; (3) The total number of registered voters in the State; and (4) The percentage of the total number of registered voters in the State
that are affiliated with each such political party, such percentage to be carried out to
two or more decimal places. (c) Each board shall provide reports of registration and other registration
related activity as may be required by the State. (d) The statements of registration shall be retained in the office of the [State
Administrative Board of Election Laws] STATE BOARD for a period of at least 6 years
and shall be available for inspection during normal working hours by any interested
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Session Laws, 2002
Volume 800, Page 2381   View pdf image
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