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Session Laws, 2002
Volume 800, Page 2373   View pdf image
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Ch. 291
(2) Except as provided by regulations adopted by the State Board, name
and address changes may not be effected by the local board when registration is
closed. (b) (1) A local board, pursuant to regulations adopted by the State Board,
shall determine whether a request for a name or address change is from the
registered voter. (2) If the local board is satisfied that the request for a name or address
change is from the voter, the local board shall: (i) If the request is from a voter currently registered in and
continuing to reside in that county, change the voter's record and send the voter a new
voter notification card; (ii) If the request is from a voter currently registered in that county
but moving to another county in the State, forward a copy of the request to the new
county of residence and, on receipt of confirmation from the new county of residence,
remove the voter from the county voter registry; (iii) If the request is from a voter currently registered in that county
but moving outside the State, remove the voter from the county voter registry; or (iv) If the request is from a voter currently registered in another
county in the State but moving to that county, add the voter to the county voter
registry and send the voter a new voter notification card. REVISOR'S NOTE: This section formerly was Art. 33, § 3-304. No changes are made,
Subtitle 4. Municipal Registration. 3-401. In this subtitle, "universal registration" means an election administration in
which the list of individuals eligible to vote in a municipal election includes those
residents of the municipal corporation who are registered to vote with the local board
for the county in which the individual's residence is located. REVISOR'S NOTE: This section formerly was Art. 33, § 3-401. No changes are made. 3-402. This subtitle does not apply to a municipal corporation that: (1) Does not require voter registration for its elections; (2) Prior to January 1, 1990, used the voter registry supplied by the local
board as qualification for voting in municipal elections; or (3) Provides for the local board to conduct municipal elections.
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Session Laws, 2002
Volume 800, Page 2373   View pdf image
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