Ch. 291
(a) Except as provided in subsection (b) of this section, a local board, at the
signed request of a registered voter, shall change that voter's party affiliation, or
change the voter to or from a decline, at any time that registration is open unless the
request is received during the following time periods:
(1) From 9 p.m. on the Monday, or the next regular business day if the
Monday is a legal holiday, that is 12 weeks before the day on which a primary election
is to be held under § 8-201 of this article, until and including the day on which the
registration reopens after the primary election is held; and
(2) From and including the day of issuance of a gubernatorial
proclamation calling a special election, pursuant to § 8-709 of this article, or from 5
p.m. on the next regular business day if the day of issuance is a legal holiday, until
and including the day on which that special election is held.
(b) If a registered voter changes residence from one county to another within
the State, the voter may change party affiliation or change to or from a decline at any
time when registering with the new county of residence.
(c) An individual whose registration has been canceled at the individual's
request within a period closed to changes in party affiliation may not reregister in the
same county during the same period with a party affiliation or nonaffiliation different
from the previous registration.
REVISOR'S NOTE: This section formerly was Art. 33, § 3-303.
No changes are made.
(a) (1) Notification of a change of address or of a change of name may be
(i) By information provided on a voter registration application by
the same methods provided for registration pursuant to Subtitle 2 of this title;
(ii) By written notice, signed by the voter and sent by mail or
otherwise delivered to the local board in the county where the voter is currently
registered or to which the voter has moved;
(iii) By making application in person at the office of the local board
in the county where the voter is currently registered or to which the voter has moved;
(iv) By information on a voter authority card or other appropriate
form filled out in a polling place; or
(v) By changing a name or address with the Motor Vehicle
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