Ch. 291
(d) (1) If a driver's license renewal or a change of name or address is not
completed in person with a customer service representative at a Motor Vehicle
Administration office, the Motor Vehicle Administration shall state clearly that:
(i) The information will be used for voter registration purposes;
(ii) The registrant has the right to declare that the information may
not be used for purposes of voter registration.
(2) The Motor Vehicle Administration shall follow the procedures
established jointly by the Motor Vehicle Administration and the State Board to
process the voter registration information received under this subsection.
(e) Information relating to the failure of an applicant for a driver's license or
identification card to register to vote may not be used for any purpose other than the
maintenance of registration statistics.
REVISOR'S NOTE: This section formerly was Art. 33, § 3-203.
In subsection (c)(2)(i) of this section, an erroneous cross-reference is
No other changes are made.
Defined term: "State Board" § 1-101
(a) (1) The State Board shall designate public agencies and
nongovernmental agencies as voter registration agencies where qualified individuals
may apply to register to vote.
(2) The State Board shall designate the following offices as voter
registration agencies:
(i) All offices in the State that provide public assistance;
(ii) All offices in the State that provide State-funded programs
primarily engaged in providing services to individuals with disabilities; and
(iii) All public institutions of higher education in the State.
(3) The State Board and the Secretary of Defense shall jointly develop
and implement procedures for persons to apply to register to vote at recruitment
offices of the armed forces of the United States, which shall be deemed voter
registration agencies.
(b) Except for a public institution of higher education in the State, which
institution shall comply with the requirements of subsection (c) of this section, each
voter registration agency, as provided in subsection (a)(2) and (3) of this section, shall:
(1) Distribute a voter registration application approved by the State
Board or the Federal Election Commission with each application for service or
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