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Session Laws, 2002
Volume 800, Page 2367   View pdf image
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PARRIS N. GLENDENING, Governor Ch. 291
(i) All applicable information received by the Motor Vehicle
Administration in the course of completing a transaction under subsection (a) of this
section shall be transferred to a voter registration application; (ii) Any additional necessary information shall be obtained by the
Motor Vehicle Administration and may not duplicate any information already
obtained while completing a transaction under subsection (a) of this section; and (iii) A voter registration application with all of the applicant's voter
registration information shall be presented to the applicant to sign or affirm
electronically. (3) (i) An applicant may decline to register to vote, update the
applicant's voter registration record, or change the applicant's name or address by: 1. Affirmatively indicating as such on the application; or 2. Failing to sign the voter registration application. (ii) The Motor Vehicle Administration shall maintain declination
information in a manner specified jointly by the Motor Vehicle Administration and
the State Board. (4) Within 5 days of the receipt of an application under subsection (a) of
this section, the Motor Vehicle Administration shall forward to the State Board the
voter registration information in a manner and format specified jointly by the Motor
Vehicle Administration and the State Board. (c) (1) (i) In consultation with the Motor Vehicle Administration, the
State Board shall prepare a voter registration application to be used for voter
registration at the Motor Vehicle Administration. (ii) Except as provided in this section, the voter registration portion
of the application may not require information that duplicates information required
in the driver's license or identification card portion of the application. (2) The voter registration portion of the application shall: (i) Contain the same information as the statewide voter
registration application prescribed in [§ 3-202(b)] § 3-202(A) of this subtitle; and (ii) Require only the minimum amount of information necessary,
including the applicant's telephone number: 1. To prevent duplicate voter registration; and 2. To enable the appropriate election official to assess the
eligibility of an applicant and to administer voter registration and other aspects of the
election process. (3) The application shall contain a box for the applicant to check, with
the statement, "I do not wish to register to vote at this time".
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Session Laws, 2002
Volume 800, Page 2367   View pdf image
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