Ch. 290
may be provided, either directly or indirectly, from funds of the State, whether
appropriated or unappropriated. Except as otherwise provided, no part of the fund
may consist of real property, in-kind contributions, or funds expended prior to the
effective date of this Act. In case of any dispute as to what money or assets may
qualify as matching funds, the Board of Public Works shall determine the matter, and
the Board's decision is final. Grantees have until June 1, 2004 to present evidence
satisfactory to the Board of Public Works that the matching fund will be provided. If
satisfactory evidence is presented, the Board shall certify this fact to the State
Treasurer and the proceeds of the loan shall be expended for the purposes provided in
this Act. If this evidence is not presented by June 1, 2004, the proceeds of the loan
shall be applied to the purposes authorized in Section 8-129 of the State Finance and
(b) It is further provided that when an equal and matching fund is
specified in Section 1(3), Items ZA00 through ZB02 ZD00 above, grantees shall
provide a matching fund equal to the lesser of (i) the authorized amount of the State
grant or (ii) the amount of the matching fund certified by the Board of Public Works.
If satisfactory evidence is presented, the Board shall certify this fact and the amount
of the matching fund to the State Treasurer and the proceeds of the loan equal to the'
amount of the matching fund shall be expended for the purposes provided in this Act.
If this evidence is not presented by June 1, 2004, the proceeds of the loan shall be
applied to the purposes authorized in Section 8-129 of the State Finance and
Procurement Article. The proceeds of any amount of the loan in excess of the
matching fund certified by the Board of Public Works shall also be applied to the
purposes authorized in Section 8-129 of the State Finance and Procurement Article.
SECTION 2. AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED, That the Laws of Maryland
read as follows:
Chapter 101 of the Acts of 1970, as amended by Chapter 125 of the Acts of 1985,
as amended by Chapter 286 of the Acts of 1986
Section 5.2(A)
(3) [Acquisition and demolition of public housing and former
administration building on St. John's Street] PROVIDE A
EQUIP LEGISLATIVE FACILITIES............................................ 900,000
Chapter 471 of the Acts of 1991
Section 1(3)(A)(1)(c)
(vi) Provide a grant to Anne Arundel County for State's share of cost
to renovate the Whitmore Garage in Annapolis (Anne Arundel,
County)............................................................................................ [660,000]
Chapter 471 of the Acts of 1991, as amended by Chapter 4 of the Acts of the
First Special Session of 1992
Section 1(3)(A)(7)(a)
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