Ch. 290
(B) Provide funds for the following nonstate-owned projects in the
amounts indicated below and for the purposes contained in the
fiscal year 2000 operating budget (Chapter 118, Acts of 1999),
the fiscal year 2001 operating budget (Chapter 204, Acts of
2000), and the fiscal year 2002 operating budget (Chapter 102,
Acts of 2001). These appropriations are subject to the same
conditions as the original appropriations, provided, however,
that if a matching fund was required, funds expended after the
date of the original appropriation but prior to the date of this
Act shall be eligible as matching funds. Further provided that
the authorizations for the projects listed below shall terminate
May 30, 2003 unless the funds have been encumbered by the
Board of Public Works.....................................................................
Fiscal Year 2000 Projects:
Takoma Park Community Learning Center..................$500,000
Fiscal Year 2001 Projects:
The Johns Hopkins University - School of
The Johns Hopkins University - School of Public
Penn Place - Garrett Park.............................................$500,000
Maryland Science Center.............................................$4,000,000
Fiscal Year 2002 Projects:
The Johns Hopkins University - School of
Howard County Head Start Center................................$500,000
Doctors Community Hospital............................................$66,000
Gateway Arts District......................................................$650,000
Suitland Manor Revitalization....................................$3,000,000
(4) An annual tax is imposed on all assessable property in the State in rate
and amount sufficient to pay the principal of and interest on the bonds, as and when
due and until paid in full. The principal shall be discharged within 15 years after the
date of issue of the bonds.
(5) (a) Prior to the payment of any matching grant funds under the
provisions of Section 1(3), Items ZA00 through ZB02 ZD00 above, grantees shall
provide and expend matching funds as specified. No part of a grantee's matching fund
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