ROBERT L. EHRLICH, JR., Governor H.B. 25
(iii) One representative of the Community Behavioral Health
Association of Maryland;
(iv) One representative of Maryland's pediatric mental health
(v) One psychiatrist licensed in Maryland, nominated by the
Maryland Psychiatric Society;
(vi) One physician licensed in Maryland, nominated by MedChi;
(vii) One psychologist licensed in Maryland; and
(vi) (viii) One social worker licensed in Maryland;
(ix) One representative of the Coalition on Aging and Mental
(x) One representative of Core Service Agencies;
(xi) One representative of the Developmental Disabilities Coalition
of Maryland;
(xii) One consumer of mental health services;
(xiii) One representative of NAMI MD;
(xiv) One representative of the Maryland Association of Resources for
Families and Youth;
(xv) One representative of the Pro Bono Counseling Project; and
(xvi) One representative of the early childhood mental health
(v) One consumer member who is the family member of an adult
who receives mental health care services;
(vi) One consumer member who is the family member of a child who
receives mental health care services; and
(vii) One consumer member who receives mental health services; and
(7) One member representing the rural mental health community
appointed by the Forvm for Rural Maryland.
(c) The Task Force shall invite the participation of and solicit commentary
from all interested parties who are not members of the Task Force.
(e) (d) The members of the Task Force shall select a chairman from the
membership of the Task Force.
(d) (e) The Maryland Insurance Administration and the Department of
Health and Mental Hygiene shall provide staff for the Task Force.
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