Approved April 8, 2003.
(Senate Bill 1)
AN ACT concerning
Public Safety
FOR the purpose of adding a new article to the Annotated Code of Maryland, to be
designated and known as the "Public Safety Article", to revise, restate, and
recodify the laws of the State relating to: benefits for certain employees killed in
the performance of duty, the 9-1-1 emergency telephone system, the
Department of State Police, police employees and civilian employees in the
Department of State Police, the statewide DNA data base system, the Local
Division, the Vehicle Theft Prevention Council and the Vehicle Theft Prevention
Fund, the Law Enforcement Officers' Bill of Rights, the Police Training
Commission, special police officers, the Maryland Railroad Police Act, the
Protective Body Armor Fund, the School Bus Safety Enforcement Fund, the Law
Enforcement Equipment Fund, the sale, rental, transfer, purchase, possession,
or receipt of regulated firearms, regulated firearms dealers' licenses, the
purchase or possession of rifles and shotguns, permits to carry, wear, or
transport handguns, the Handgun Permit Review Board, the handgun roster
and the Handgun Roster Board, the Cease Fire Council and the Cease Fire
Council Grant Program, the State Fire Prevention Commission, the State Fire
Marshal, mutual aid agreements by fire, rescue, or emergency medical services
entities, disability and death benefits for members of volunteer fire companies
and rescue squads, length of service award programs, members of fire
companies appointed as deputy sheriffs, the Senator William H. Amoss Fire,
Rescue, and Ambulance Fund, the Volunteer Company Assistance Fund, county
money and loans for volunteer fire companies, smoke detection systems,
sprinkler systems, fast response residential fire sprinkler systems, high-rise
building safety in case of fire, evacuation procedures in case of fire, disclosure of
fire loss investigation reports, fire prevention codes of counties and municipal
corporations, fire inspections by fire departments of counties and municipal
corporations, fire sprinkler contractors, regulation of fireworks and sparklers,
permits to discharge fireworks, licenses to operate fireworks plants, regulation
of explosives, licenses to engage in business as manufacturers or dealers of
explosives and licenses to possess explosives, the Explosives Advisory Council,
administrative search warrants, the Model Performance Code for building
construction, the Maryland Accessibility Code, the Minimum Livability Code,
standards for industrialized buildings and manufactured homes, installation of
safety glazing material in hazardous locations, the Maryland Building
Performance Standards, the inspection of electrical installations for
conformance with electrical codes, the registration and inspection of elevators,
the Elevator Safety Review Board, licenses for elevator contractors and elevator
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