Ch. 61
4. Two professional counselors at large;
Error: Erroneous cross-reference in § 17-202(a)(2)(i) of the Health
Occupations Article.
Occurred: Chs. 131 and 132, Acts of 1998.
Article - Insurance
(c) (2) The refusal to renew, revocation, or suspension of a certificate of
authority automatically suspends or revokes the [certificate of qualification]
APPOINTMENT of each agent of the insurer in the State.
(3) The Commissioner shall state in the notice to each agent under
paragraph (1) of this subsection that the [certificate of qualification] APPOINTMENT
of the agent has been suspended or revoked.
Error: Incorrect terminology used in § 4-113(c)(2) and (3) of the
Insurance Article to describe the authority of an agent to act for an insurer
in the State, as noted in an October 28, 1999 memorandum issued by
Susan Cohen, Esq., Office of the Attorney General, Maryland Insurance
Occurred: Ch. 36, Acts of 1995.
(a) (1) In this section the following words have the meanings indicated.
(2) "Aggregate attachment point" means the percentage of expected
claims in a policy year above which the stop-loss insurer assumes all or part of the
liability for losses incurred by the insured.
(3) "Expected claims" means the amount of claims that, in the absence of
stop-loss insurance, are projected to be incurred by the insured using reasonable and
accepted actuarial principles.
(4) "Specific attachment point" means the dollar amount in losses
attributable to a single individual in a policy year beyond which the stop-loss insurer
assumes all or part of the liability for losses incurred by the insured.
(5) "Stop-loss insurance" means insurance that is purchased by a
person, other than a health care provider, to protect the person against catastrophic,
excess, or unexpected losses sustained by the person.
Error: Incorrect tabulation in § 15-129(a) of the Insurance Article.
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