Title 2. Administration
Baltimore County Code, 1988
BY adding
Section 8-55(d)
Article II. Telecommunications Advisory Panel
Title 8. Cable Communications
Baltimore County Code, 1988
BY repealing and reenacting, with amendments
Sections 3-3-101(c) and (e), 3-3-202(a), 3-3-402(d), 3-3-504(b),
3-3-602(a)(2)(ii), 3-3-802(b)(1), 3-3-1002(b), 3-3-1302, 3-3-1802(d),
3-3-1804, 3-3-1903, 3-3-1905(b)(1)
Article 3. Administration
Baltimore County Code, 1988
(As enacted in Bill No. 31-99)
BY repealing
Section 2-312
Article VII. Boards and Commissions
Title 2. Administration
Baltimore County Code, 1988
BY adding
Section 3-3-104
Article 3. Administration
Baltimore County Code, 1998
(As enacted in Bill No. 31-99)
[Effective Date October 22, 1999]
Bill No. 83-99
AN ACT concerning:
Plumbing and Gasfitting Regulation
FOR the purpose of adopting the 1996 National Standard Plumbing code with the
1998 supplement as the Baltimore County Plumbing Code, and amending the
definition of gasfitting,
BY adopting the National Standard Plumbing Code, 1996 Illustrated Edition with the
1998 Supplement as the Plumbing Code of Baltimore County, and
BY repealing and adopting, with amendments
Section 7-213 of the Baltimore County Code: Definition of Gasfitting
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