Effective Date December 29, 1999]
Resolution No. 1999-7
The Town of Snow Hill Charter Section 15. Selection and Term is hereby amended.
[Section(s) 15 of the Charter of the Town of Snow Hill, Worcester County, as
found in the Public Local Laws of Maryland - Compilation of Municipal Charters
(1990 Replacement Edition and 1999 Supplement), repealed and reenacted, with
Effective Date December 29, 1999]
(Carroll County)
Charter Amendment Resolution No. 1999-01
A RESOLUTION of the Mayor and Council of The Town of Sykesville to amend
the Charter of The Town of Sykesville (Section 18 of the Code of Public Local Laws of
Carroll County, 1976 Edition, as amended), by amending Section 18-31, entitled
"Nominations", and repealing and re-enacting, with amendments Section 18-36,
entitled "Vote count", to add provisions with respect to elections of the Mayor and
Town Council members, in particular, inserting provisions regarding (i) date of
nominations; (ii) acceptance of nominations by candidates; (iii) tie votes in an election;
and (iv) prohibition against a candidate holding dual offices.
[Section(s) 18-31 and 18-36 of the Charter of the Town of Sykesville, Carroll
County, as found in the Public Local Laws of Maryland - Compilation of Municipal
Charters (1990 Replacement Edition and 1999 Supplement), repealed and reenacted,
with amendments.
Effective Date November 2, 1999]
(Carroll County)
Charter Resolution No. 99-4
RESOLUTION of the Mayor and Council of the City of Taneytown adopted
pursuant to the authority of Section(s) 3 and 4 entitled "Home Rule," of Article XI-E
entitled "Municipal Corporations" of the Constitution of Maryland and of Section 11 et
seq. under subtitle "Charter Amendments" of Article 23A entitled
"Corporations-Municipal" of the Annotated Code of Maryland, 1998 Replacement
Volume, to repeal the Charter of the City of Taneytown, Maryland, 1979, and to enact
a revised Charter for the City of Taneytown, Maryland, as set forth herein.
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