(Cecil County)
Charter Amendment
Resolution 2000-01
Resolution of the Mayor and Council of Cecilton, Maryland, adopted pursuant to the
authority of Article XI-E of the Constitution of the State of Maryland and Article 23A
of the Annotated Code of Maryland, title: "Corporations - Municipal," to repeal and
reenact the Charter of the Town of Cecilton.
[Sections 101 through 1403 of the Charter of the Town of Cecilton, Cecil County,
as found in the Public Local Laws of Maryland - Compilation of Municipal Charters
(1990 Replacement Edition and 1999 Supplement), repealed.
Sections 101 through 1306 of the Charter of the Town of Cecilton, Cecil County,
as found in the Public Local Laws of Maryland - Compilation of Municipal Charters
(1990 Replacement Edition and 1999 Supplement), added.
Effective Date October 12, 1999]
(Queen Anne's County)
Town Of Centreville Resolution No. 2-99
WHEREAS, the Town Council of Centreville has authority to annex 197.353
acres of land, more or less; part of the lands of Lawrence Callahan, et al, and the
lands of R & S Development, LLC, third election district, Queen Anne's County,
NOW BE IT THEREFORE RESOLVED THAT the Town Council of Centreville
amend the Town Charter of the Town of Centreville by adding a new Section 106.
[Section 106 of the Charter of the Town of Centreville, Queen Anne's County, as
found in the Public Local Laws of Maryland - Compilation of Municipal Charters
(1990 Replacement Edition and 1999 Supplement), added.
Effective Date August 20, 1999]
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