Ch. 601
of recording the deed or deeds [therefor they], THE COUNTY COMMISSIONERS shall
require the filing of plats with the deed or deeds showing the location and area of the
land thus acquired.
[14-12.] 10-302. Obstructions.
It shall not be lawful for any person to place any obstruction upon any of the
public highways, roads, bridges or alleys of Carroll County, or to interfere with or
obstruct the ditches or drains [thereof], or encroach [upon said] ON THE highways,
roads and alleys with fences, buildings or anything else which would tend to interfere
with travel [thereon; nor). IT shall [it] NOT be lawful for any person or corporation,
its officers, agents or employees engaged in the business of a common carrier, to suffer
or permit [his or its] THE engines, tenders or cars or portion thereof to stand on or
obstruct any street or highway in Carroll County where it crosses a railroad for a
longer period than five minutes at any one time or in shutting to obstruct public
traffic over a street or highway for a longer period than five minutes at any one time[;
any]. ANY person or corporation violating the provisions of this section, or any of its
officers, agents or employees, who have under or subject to [his or] THEIR control,
management or direction any [such] vehicle, engine, tender or car which, or any
portion of which, is allowed to stand on [said] A street or highway or obstruct traffic
longer than the time allowed by this section, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and
upon conviction thereof by any judge of the District Court exercising criminal
jurisdiction in Carroll County, or by the Circuit Court [thereof upon] ON indictment,
shall be fined in an amount not less than one nor more than one hundred dollars for
each offense, and the corporation shall also be liable for each [such] violation to a like
penalty. All persons arrested under this section shall have the right to elect that [his]
THE case be sent to the Circuit Court for trial by jury[; the]. THE fines collected
under this section shall be paid into the general road fund of the county, and it shall
be the duty of all peace officers and all road officials of the county to enforce the
provisions of this subtitle.
[14-13.] 10-303. Inconsistent laws.
Nothing in this [subtitle] TITLE shall be construed or considered in
abridgement of the powers over roads, drains and bridges given by the general laws of
this State to County Commissioners except where the [same] POWER is in express
conflict with the provisions of this [subtitle] TITLE.
[Director of Public Roads]
[16. Sheriff]
[16-1.] 11-101. Duties.
(a) Report of persons confined. It shall be the duty of the Sheriff to keep a
correct and full statement or schedule of all persons committed to the [said] jail,
showing the length of time and the offense for which they are committed, and the
name of the officer by whom committed, which statement or schedule, together with
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