(17) Assault with intent to commit any of the aforesaid offenses or any
offense punishable by imprisonment for more than 1 year.
Error: Function paragraph of bill being cured incorrectly indicated that
Article 27, § 441, rather than § 441(e), was being amended.
Occurred: Chapter 422 (House Bill 463) of the Acts of 1999.
Article - State Personnel and Pensions
(a) The Secretary shall hire a telework consultant to provide technical
assistance in implementing the Pilot Program.
(b) In addition to any other duties assigned by the Secretary, the consultant
(1) develop and conduct training programs for teleworking State
employees and their managers; and
(2) identify telework centers, including distributive training technology
centers, which are available to State teleworkers and develop a proposal for a
Telework Center Pilot Program.
The Secretary shall provide staff to manage the operations of the Pilot Program.
(a) The Secretary shall establish a Telework Steering Committee.
(b) The purpose of the Committee is to:
(1) assist the Secretary in establishing telework programs in all agencies
in the Executive Branch of State government;
(2) conduct a survey of the number of potentially eligible teleworkers in
each Executive Branch State agency;
(3) determine the cost effectiveness of implementing telework programs
in Executive Branch State agencies, including an analysis of cost savings resulting
from increased productivity, reduction in the use of sick leave, decrease in employee
turnover, and reduction in required office space; and
(4) develop and distribute to managers in each Executive Branch State
agency a list of the benefits to managers, employees, and the public that result from
implementation of telework programs.
(c) The Committee shall consist of a representative of:
(1) the Department of Budget and Management;
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