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Session Laws, 2000
Volume 797, Page 2948   View pdf image
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(5) under the laws of the United States or of any state, is convicted of: (i) a felony; or (ii) a misdemeanor that is directly related to the fitness and
qualification of the applicant or licensee to provide plumbing services; (6) is guilty of an unfair or deceptive trade practice, as defined in §
13-301 of the Commercial Law Article; (7) fails to train and control adequately any person who, while under the
direction and control of the master plumber or holder of a limited master plumber
license, sells or gives estimates for providing plumbing services; (8) fails to maintain the liability insurance required under § 12-501 of
this title for a master plumber, holder of a limited master plumber license who
contracts to provide plumbing services on behalf of the master plumber, holder of a
limited master plumber license, or another, [or] holder of a propane gas fitter
certificate, OR HOLDER OF A MASTER NATURAL GAS FITTERS LICENSE; or (9) is guilty of violating § 12-605 of this title. (b) The Board shall consider the following facts in the granting, denial,
renewal, suspension, or revocation of a license or the reprimand of a licensee when an
applicant or licensee is convicted of a felony or misdemeanor described in subsection
(a)(5) of this section: (1) the nature of the crime; (2) the relationship of the crime to the activities authorized by the license; (3) with respect to a felony, the relevance of the conviction to the fitness
and qualification of the applicant or licensee to provide plumbing services; (4) the length of time since the conviction; and (5) the behavior and activities of the applicant or licensee before and
after the conviction. 12-401. (a) A person may engage in the business of providing plumbing services if: (1) the person is a master plumber or holder of a limited master plumber license; or (2) the person: (i) designates a master plumber or holder of a limited master
plumber license who actively directs, controls, and is responsible for all plumbing
services; and (ii) otherwise provides the plumbing services in accordance with this title.
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Session Laws, 2000
Volume 797, Page 2948   View pdf image
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