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Session Laws, 2000
Volume 797, Page 1510   View pdf image
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Ch. 239
(1) Authorized by any state or any province of Canada to grant the
degree; and (2) Recognized by the Board as requiring adequate preprofessional
collegiate training and as maintaining an acceptable course of dental instruction. 4-303. (a) Subject to the provisions of this section, the Board may waive the
education requirements of § 4-302 of this subtitle for an applicant for a limited
license who does not hold a degree of doctor of dental surgery, doctor of dental
medicine, or the equivalent from a college or university that is authorized by any
state or any province of Canada to grant the degree and is recognized by the Board
under § 4-302(d)(2) of this subtitle. (b) The Board may grant a waiver under this section only if the applicant: (1) Passes a series of preliminary tests given by the Board under its
regulations to determine that the applicant is qualified to take the examination for a
general license to practice dentistry; (2) Completes at least 2 years of formal general clinical training in a
college or university that is authorized by any state or any province of Canada to
grant the degree of doctor of dental surgery, doctor of dental medicine, or the
equivalent and is recognized by the Board under § 4-302(d)(2) of this subtitle; and (3) Meets any other requirements that the Board establishes for a waiver
of the education requirements of § 4-302 of this subtitle. (c) (1) Notwithstanding the provisions of subsection (b) of this section and §
4-302(g) of this subtitle, the Board may grant a waiver for a teacher's license if it
finds that: (i) The applicant holds a degree of doctor of dental surgery, doctor
of dental medicine, or an equivalent degree from a school, college, or faculty of
dentistry; (ii) The applicant demonstrates that the applicant has had at least
5 years of clinical dental experience; (iii) The applicant is found to be of good moral character and
professionally competent; (iv) The Dean of the University of Maryland Dental School requests
the waiver and circumstances exist that justify the granting of a waiver; and (v) The applicant is appointed to a full-time faculty position at the
University of Maryland Dental School. (2) A teacher's license granted pursuant to a waiver under paragraph (1)
of this subsection:
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Session Laws, 2000
Volume 797, Page 1510   View pdf image
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