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Session Laws, 1999
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19-708, rather than § 19-708(b), of the Health - General Article was being

Occurred: Chapter 112 (House Bill 3) of the Acts of 1998.
Article - Health Occupations


(b) Except as otherwise provided in this section, a pharmacy for which a
pharmacy permit has been issued under this title:

(15) Shall provide such personnel, automation, and technology as are
necessary to allow the licensed pharmacist employee sufficient time to utilize the
pharmacist's knowledge and training and to perform competently the functions of a
licensed pharmacist as required by law;

(16) Shall provide such personnel, automation, and technology as are
necessary to allow the licensed pharmacist employee to comply with the labeling
requirements specified in § 12-505; and

(17) With regard to a prescription drug that is delivered in this State by
the United States mail, a common carrier, or a delivery service and is not personally
hand delivered directly to a patient or to the agent of the patient at the residence of
the patient or at another location designated by the patient, shall:

(i) Provide a general written notice in each shipment of a
prescription drug that alerts a consumer that, under certain circumstances, a
medication's effectiveness may be affected by exposure to extremes of heat, cold, or
humidity; and

(ii) Provide a specific written notice in each shipment of a
prescription drug that provides a consumer with a toll-free or local consumer access
telephone number accessible during regular hours of operation, which is designed to
respond to consumer questions pertaining to medications.

(f) A nonresident pharmacy shall:

(7) Disclose its toll-free telephone number on a label affixed to each
container of drug or devices;

(8) Comply with the laws of this State relating to the confidentiality of
prescription records if there are no laws relating to the confidentiality of prescription
records in the state in which the nonresident pharmacy is located; and

(9) Comply with the requirements of subsection (b)(17) of this section.


Error: Purpose paragraph of bill being cured failed to accurately describe
the changes made by the bill.


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Session Laws, 1999
Volume 796, Page 289   View pdf image
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