Ch. 13
State, or other employees which may use each
Special Fund Appropriation.............................
Federal Fund Appropriation............................ Washington Metropolitan Area Transit
- Operating
Special Fund Appropriation............................. Washington Metropolitan Area
Transit - Capital
Special Fund Appropriation, provided that
funds contained herein for payment to the
Washington Suburban Transit Commission
(WSTC) for capital costs of metrorail
construction shall be expended only if the
department and the Maryland county.
within which such construction occurs,
jointly review and concur on the major
location, design, and construction decisions
that will affect the expenditure of State
transportation trust funds including
program cost estimates upon which federal
grant allocations are made. The provision
shall take effect only so long as the
Washington Metropolitan Area Transit
Authority (WMATA) is party to a full
funding agreement with the U.S.
Department of Transportation where
completion of usable segments is assured by
WMATA if federal funds are not available.
The department shall exercise this
concurrent power only for the purpose of
insuring that the State's contribution to the
construction cost does not exceed the
expected State's share which would be
required absent such funding arrangements.
The department shall not unreasonably
withhold its concurrence or use its
concurrence to influence county positions
on any issues unrelated to the specific
location, design, or construction decision in
question. Nothing herein stated authorizes
the Department of Transportation to
support completion of less than the 103 mile
system endorsed by the State.......................
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