for Specific Zoning Districts: Residential: Conservation Development, of Article
XXII, General Provisions, of Part 7, Capital Improvement Program Map; and to
repeal and re-enact, with amendments, Table II, Design Requirements for Specific
Uses, AG Agricultural District, Table III, Design Requirements for Specific Uses,
RR Rural Residential District, all of Article XXII, General Provisions, of Part 7,
Capital Improvement Program Map; and to repeal and reenact, with amendments,
Article VII, Design Standards for Special Developments, of Part I, Standards; all of
Chapter 267, Zoning, of the Harford County Code, as amended, to modify the
Design Requirements for specific uses in the AG District as shown on Table II and
the RR District as shown on Table III and to provide for a new type of Special
Development known as Conservation Development, to provide for the design
standards for the new development, and generally to provide flexibility in land
development to further enhance the quality of life for all the citizens.
[Effective Date September 13, 1995]
Bill No. 95-32
AN ACT to repeal and re-enact, with amendments, Subsection F, of Section 216-21,
Percolation test, of Article II, Design Standards, of Chapter 216, Sewage Disposal
Systems, Private, of the Harford County Code, as amended, to provide for alternate
septic reserve standards for developing pursuant to the Conservation Development
[Effective Date September 13, 1995]
Bill No. 95-35
AN EMERGENCY ACT to repeal and reenact Subsection H. of Section 256-40,
Establishment; Boundaries, of Article III, Other Sanitary Subdistricts, of Chapter
256, Water and Sewers, of the Harford County Code, as amended; to add an
additional parcel of land to the Swan Creek Sanitary Subdistrict.
[Effective Date June 22, 1995]
Bill No. 95-37
AN EMERGENCY ACT to add new Subsection F, Equal Unit Assessments, to Section
256-30, Method of Assessment, of Article I, General Provisions, and add new
Subsection F, Equal Unit Assessments, to Section 256-42.5, Method of assessment,
of Article III, Other Sanitary Subdistricts, of Chapter 256, Water and Sewers, of the
Harford County Code, as amended, to provide for a new method of calculating
[Effective Date June 22, 1995]
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